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MTE #33: Matrix Stiffness, Liver Injury, and Cancer

Nov 18 2024
Convention Center: Room 30 E
7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
Ticketed Event


Experts discuss the relationships between matrix stiffness, liver injury, and carcinogenesis. Presenters highlight the effects of steatosis on hepatic stellate cell activation and subsequent promotion of fibrogenesis; how liver stiffness due to chronic injury perpetuates liver disease processes; and how steatosis and steatohepatitis promote carcinogenesis through regulation of matrix stiffness. 


  • Review the mechanism by which liver stiffness due to chronic injury perpetuates the liver disease process.
  • Discuss how steatosis impacts hepatic stellate cell activation and the promotion of fibrogenesis.
  • Describe how steatohepatitis and steatosis promote carcinogenesis.