HCV Guidance Updates

HCVguidelines.org — a website developed by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the Infectious Diseases Society of America to provide up-to-date guidance on the management of hepatitis C — was recently revised to reflect important developments in the identification and management of chronic hepatitis C (HCV).

Notably, there has been several important updates within the guidance. Monitoring has been updated to include guidance for patients with incomplete adherence.

Coinfection was also updated with drug-drug interaction information for newer antiretroviral agents and Ribavirin was removed. 

In Initial Treatment, Elbasvir/grazoprevir was changed from recommended regimen to alternative regimen for genotype 1a because it involves ribavirin. In conjunction, it remains a recommended regimen for genotype 1B as it does not require ribavirin.

Finally, it has been noted that the FDA has approved SOF for patients with renal disease in Renal Impairment. It should also be noted that acute interstitial nephritis has been associated with DAA use. 

Visit HCVguidelines.org for more information about these recommendations and to view other sections of the HCV Guidance.